Baby ABC27: Baby ABC 1st Month Journey

Baby ABC 1st Month Journey

1 Chronicles 16:34: 
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 

Hello, Biel; you are one month old already in this picture. We are so blessed because you are such a good baby. You are not crying at night. You sleep well, thank God.
Watching my baby grow up in just one month has been an incredible journey. I could see her growing and developing every day from birth. We have witnessed her first smiles; it is fantastic to see how quickly She learns and develops in such a short time. 
This is called Shock face.

Proverbs 31:10: She is far more precious than jewels... 
This is called an angry face
πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ  you are our special gift from God. We give glory and honor to God. 
To my lovely daughter, remember this (1 Corinthians 10:31: Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.)
When the Time comes, you are old, and you are reading this site, this moment you can pass this verse to your family. 
As a parent, you are filled with joy and love for your little one, and it can be hard to put these feelings into words. But that doesn't mean you can't find ways to express your love and care for your baby throughout the month.
This is why we decided to compile this picture and message so that when she grows old, she has a chance to look back when she is at months old. 
We designed these pictures and messages to help remind her of the love and care that surrounds her daily; we hope these words will provide comfort and reassurance in this new phase of life!
Reality Cake 1st Cake 
πŸ‘ˆThis is the cake we ordered for you. We want to apologize for this cake. They made the wrong design. 
This is the design that we orderπŸ‘‡
Spectation Cake. 

Lesson: Biels, sometimes we experience so many things in our daily life, either good or not good experiences; always learn to be a positive response and understanding with God's help and wisdom because if you know this, you will be successful in your life.Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 
Happy to see the cake

Crying, she doesn't like the cake when
When we celebrate your month-old, we prepare little food with our family and friends that time, but when we sing a happy birthday, you start crying. So, of course, Tatay comes to the rescue to carry you and start exercising up and down because that steps only can stop you from crying. We love you so much, Biel Tatay; he always calls you cutie patootie when he reaches our home. 
Now I know why she is crying shy of the picture
πŸ‘ˆthis picture they are our family and friends who join us to celebrate your one-month day.  
She still crying. Let's eat, everyone

My baby's journey growing up has been filled with joy and challenges. Every day brings surprises as she discovers something new about the world around her. As a parent, it has been my responsibility to ensure that she is safe and secure while also helping her learn and grow. I am excited to continue this journey as my baby grows each month!

Every month of a baby's life is full of new and exciting milestones. Watching your little one grow up is one of the most rewarding experiences a parent can have. Each month brings something special and unique, from the first smile to taking their first steps. 
As parents, we must document these moments so we can look back on them fondly in the future. This article will explore my baby's monthly journey as they grow up and all the incredible milestones they reach along the way.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–God Bless everyone.

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