Baby ABC27: January 2023

Baby ABC First Day @ Home

Welcome Home Biel

Congratulations on us this is the newest addition to our family! 

The day at home with a newborn can be overwhelming. From learning how to feed, change and care for your baby, to figuring out how to get some rest for yourself. It's a lot of work, but it's also an incredibly special time that you'll never forget.
all I can say is this is a great time for bonding with my little one and getting used to the changes in my life. 
With the help of experienced friends and family members, I learn the ropes quickly and make sure that both I and my baby are happy and healthy during this exciting time.

Biel this is your first time at home you are so comfortable sleeping in your crib and this is also the first time you smile while sleeping you know why because you making poop oops sorry mama but I'm very happy to see you even though mama still pain from CS but you are my happiness, Biel. 

Biel remember this verse that I have written in your picture in Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

 Always remember that whatever circumstances or problems you are facing God always be there to help you, God loves you so much, and we are here also to guide you don't be afraid as God promises us that he will comfort you. 

Biel this picture Tatay takes care of you while mama sleeping because when you are in the first time in our house you are not sleeping at the night you wake so Tatay gives your milk, however, you talking to each other you what Tatay telling you ( My Name is ABC ) and you are listening to Tatay carefully.
 Biel hoping and pray that you will continue to be a good daughter and fearful to God as you grow.

This Picture Biel when Tatay reaches home he will carry you until you sleep nicely even though Tatay is tired.   1 Chronicles 16:34: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.  
 Always give thanks to the Lord because of his unconditional Love for us he gives us every day strength and good health. 

A newborn baby is an amazing gift from God. It brings with it a lot of joy and happiness to the family. As a father, it is my responsibility to give my baby the best start in life. That is why I want to share an inspirational message that will stay with him or her throughout their life journey.
I need to remind my little ones that no matter what life throws at them, they should always strive for success and never give up on their dreams. They should also remember that hard work and dedication are the keys to success. I want them to know that I will always be here for them, providing support and guidance whenever needed.

My First Day Journey in the World

As a newborn, my first-day journey was filled with curiosity and excitement. I had no idea what to expect from this new place I found myself in. From the moment I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by unfamiliar faces and sounds that were both comforting and strange simultaneously. As I looked around, everything seemed so different yet familiar. It was a journey of discovery as I explored this new world that welcomed me with open arms.
I knew that I would be in good hands with all my loved ones whom God gave me. They will guide me as I start my journey until I can be alone. And I hope that when the time comes, I will be equipped with fundamental weapons and ready to face the world with knowledge and confidence. Before this, I wanted to enjoy my childhood and experience the most out of it. Playing outside, taking a bath in the rain, socializing with other children, eating sweets and candies, and getting hurt sometimes. These are the things that I would miss growing up. Of course, my early schooling experiences with my teachers and classmates of various ethnicity. My birthday celebration with them, eating together and sharing some food, is worth remembering.
My mom created my blog and youtube channel to compile a video of mine so that we can access it all the time, even in the future. As there is, the saying goes, "time flies past," and not all will not be remembered. Hence, it is an excellent opportunity to keep memories, record them and upload them to the youtube channel. Once the cycle is completed, it creates a sense of fulfillment and pride while striving to improve creativity further. Like other children, I also enjoyed blogging and creating sort videos from my TikTok accounts.  The dance move and other body languages are fun to watch and nice to imitate. This is much more enjoyable if I'm doing it with my friends. Sometimes, I am shy and don't know what to say when blogging. 
Moving forward, I also wish to improve my roller skating skills more effectively. Thanks to my trainer for being patient and encouraging me to speed up and not get afraid of all the tactics I learned. I'm looking forward to being as professional as them in the near future, ready to coach and go into the next plan - ice skating. I'm sure my parents will be proud and ready to support me until the fulfillment of my goal. I prayed that all the desires of my heart be granted according to His will and perfect timing. That is how He blessed me, and I can share these blessings with others. Importantly, I hope to be remembered as a role model for being a good human being, a kind, obedient and God-fearing person. Thank you all very much for being part of my journey, and I wish everyone to find peace and happiness in whatever they do. GOD BLESS... 💕💕💕